UV: As an additional security measure (to prevent counterfeit ticket printing), each custom event ticket is coated with a UV pattern; when held to a black light you will be able to view this.
Custom Foils: Each custom event ticket has a foil area where we can burn your company logo onto the foil (using the thermal print heads); or alternatively we put our own security marking.
Thermal Printing: All custom event tickets are printed using a thermal ticket printing process. A thermal printer (or direct thermal printer) produces a printed image by selectively heating coated thermochromic paper, or thermal paper as it is commonly known, when the paper passes over the thermal print head. The coating turns black in the areas where it is heated, producing an image. Warning: Some ticket printing companies print their tickets on digital printers and are much easier to counterfeit.
Uniquely Numbered: The front of every ticket has a unique number printed on it to help identify counterfeit tickets.
300 DPI: There are two common quality standards for thermal printing: 203 DPI and 300 DPI. DPI = dots per inch, or the resolution of printing. The higher the DPI, the higher quality the printed product. All custom event tickets are printed using 300 DPI printers to ensure a better quality finished product.
Quality ticket stock: While thin ticket stock is cheaper to produce, myZone only uses the highest quality 100lb paper stock to ensure each ticket has a quality feel to it.
Full Image/logo integration: You have the option of choosing to include graphic, images and/or logos on your tickets.